Tribe Introduction

Tribe Contribution

You can acquire tribe contribution through tribe gameplay and donations. Tribe contribution can be used to exchange items in the tribe shop or for rune & insignia development, making it a crucial resource. When the tribe contribution is insufficient, you can also directly consume Chromashells at the tribe statue to redeem them.


Tribe Hunt

Each challenge against a tribe boss increases taming points (the increase is related to the chosen difficulty), and you can earn tribe contribution and Mithril rewards. When all 5 bosses (4 small, 1 large) are successfully tamed, tribe members gain tribe chest opening attempts. The chest rewards include Flower of Prayer needed for offerings. Each warrior is limited to two hunting attempts per day.


Dispatch Missions

Sending Primons to missions (non-combat) can get a lot of rewards. The rewards given by each mission and the type of Primon required are different. Missions are divided into five qualities: green, blue, purple, orange, and red. The higher the quality, the higher the reward and the longer the mission time. Refresh the task quality to purple or above to get higher benefits.


Tribe Auction

Held every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 20:00 to 20:55, the tribe auction has a chance to offer exquisite items and artifacts. Participants receive dividends after the auction ends.


Harvest Festival

Opens every day at 19:45. Warriors can engage in activities like Match-3, cooking, dancing, and fireworks at the venue. Various surprise chests await warriors to open.