Lineups for each element

Novice Lineup – Basic Wind & Fire

By completing events and quests in the early stage, warriors will receive many Wind- and Fire-class Primons. At this time, it is extremely cost-effective to form a 3+3 dual-element mix lineup.

The Fire-class burn combo of Phoenix Dancer + Domineering Dragonkin + PomPom (Bolting Rexa is better, if available) and the Wind-class burst combo of Whisperer Drake + Gale Spiritwyrm + Rhinosaur can cause high damage in the first turn, which is very helpful for clearing the early levels. If there is a lack of healers, you can consider deploying a Veggiechirp.


Skilled Lineup - Advanced Fire

Features: First-turn burst, powerful DPS in PvE.

The basics of this lineup are Phoenix Dancer + Domineering Dragonkin + PomPom (PomPom can be replaced by Blazing Fuzzaurus or Magmadillo to provide "burn" debuff). Next, Feline Dancer should be deployed to provide healing, Boomclaw Dragon should be deployed to perform a single-target obliteration, and finally Lava Pangolin should be deployed to provide stable control. At this point, "Burn Team" is completed. It has extremely high DPS in the first turn and is undoubtedly the most powerful lineup in the early stage.


Skilled Lineup - Advanced Wind

Features: Elimination Hunt, Low-HP Reaping.

Deploy Whisperer Drake + Dualdrake + Breeze Rider + Gale Spiritwyrm + Rhinosaur + Brute Dragon to form a "Hunt Team". The core of the lineup is the [Hunt Link] skill of Dualdrake. The control immunity effect of Dualdrake's skill can dispell the self-control debuff of Gale Spiritwyrm. Once the first kill is achieved, they can continuously pursue the enemy and deliver multiple high DPS, which can quickly clean up the battlefield.


Skilled Lineup - Advanced Earth

Features: Power charging, Late burst.

Deploy Mighty Ape + Enchantress Cat + Woolly Scout + Banana KingKong + Boxing Kangaroo + Woodlander to form a "Charge Team". Compared with the fire and wind lineups, its formation cost is higher, because it requires developing two legendary Primons, Mighty Ape and Enchantress Cat. The Earth lineup does not have the same burst damage as the Wind and Fire lineups in the early stage, and requires a longer period of charging.

Use the control of Enchantress Cat and the treatment of Woodlander to withstand the first few turns, and let Woolly Scout stack multiple layers of buff, including adding basic attack buffs to Mighty Ape + Boxing Kangaroo. The higher the number of turns, the higher the damage. In the end, even basic attacks can deal as much damage as the ultimate skill!


Skilled Lineup - Advanced Water

Features: Comprehensive functions, Poison DMG.

This lineup of Frostshell + Frenzy Shark + Venomcroc + Toad Venomist + Sea Beastman + Surftide Siren allows a lot of room for mistakes. Relying on Water-class' common rage reduction characteristics and Surftide Siren's healing and resurrection skills, the water lineup can withstand the enemy's first few bursts. During this period, the two mages, Venomcroc and Toad Venomist, can inflict Poison on the enemy. They frequently release ultimate skills while spreading the poisoning effect. After multiple turns, extremely terrifying Poison DMG will be caused!

Although this lineup has relatively comprehensive attributes, it has higher requirements for core Primons, so it is not recommended for warriors to develop water lineup in the early stage.