FAQs - Resource & Others

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Q1: How to obtain various development materials?

Primon EXP: Jungle Hunting, Sea Voyage

Evolution Fruits: Beast Dojo, Treasure Hunt Adventure

Aptitude Fruits: AFK Yield, Primon Trial

Dragonbones: Dragon Cub Cave, Ancestral Dragon Lair

Beast Spirits: Pursuit Dispatch, Daily Bounty


Q2: How to obtain Chromashells?

Chromashells are the most important currency in the game. You can obtain Chromashells by completing daily quests, Primon Trials, Mystery Adventure and other gameplays. AFK Yield also includes Chromashells as rewards. Acquire more Chromashells through AFK Speedup!

If you want to have more surplus Chromashells every day, recharging a monthly card is the most cost-effective way. If you have an urgent need for Chromashells, you can also obtain them by purchasing a gift package containing them or recharging them directly.


Q3: How can I get higher returns by spending Chromashells?

There are several ways to consume Chromashells in the game. Refreshing Tribe Dispatches, purchasing extra Treasure Hunt Adventure, and replenishing Stamina are all must-buy content in the early stage to obtain extremely important resources.

In addition, some time-limited gift packs are also worth buying as much as possible, because they are more cost-effective and missing them will be a big loss.




Q1: What should I do when the gameplay is stuck by level?

If you are stuck in Beast Dojo or Story due to level, you can gain EXP and unlock higher levels by AFK speeding up, completing badge quests, and consuming Stamina.


Q2: What should I do if my battle power is too low and I can’t beat the game?

Improve BP: In addition to the upgrade and star-up of Primon itself, Dragonbones and Beast Spirits also have a very high proportion of BP. If you find that your BP is too low and the battle often fails, you can try to obtain higher-quality Dragonbones and Beast Spirits through Dragon Cub Cave and Pursuit Dispatch, and then enhance them. This can easily increase your BP.

Adjust the lineup: When your BP has reached the bottleneck but the battle still fails, you can consider adjusting your lineup, use specific Primons and adjust positions according to the boss lineup, such as using Meowsassin to control the enemy's core Primon, or use Brute Dragon's DMG reflection skills to restrain the enemy's single-target DPS.


Q3: Where can I find more guides?

Follow the official Facebook and Discord of "Primon Legion", we will update the guide content from time to time;

Regarding Primon and lineup recommendations, you can enter the Primon interface in the game and tap "Guide" and "Lineup" to view;

Communicate and discuss with other Warriors in the game and share the latest and most practical experiences with each other.