Tips for newbies (Part 2)

Wish Summon

Warriors can unlock Wish Summon after completing 200 Lucky summons. The probability of obtaining a Wish Primon is 30% higher. You can only choose Primons you have already obtained as Wish Primon. It is recommended to choose the legendary Primons first. If you have no legendary Primon, just choose the core Primon of your current lineup. Wish Summon can only be fulfilled once a day. It is recommended to prioritize Wish Summon every day to obtain the designated pet for star-up.



The arena will conduct a season settlement every 7 days, and you can challenge 5 times for free every day. At the season settlement, titles and avatar frame will be issued as rewards based on rankings. If you reach the accumulated points each season, you can also receive advanced Dragonbones, exceptional fruits and other rewards. Remember to actively participate!


Exclusive Privileges

If possible, be sure to purchase exclusive privileges. The benefits are very considerable. Not only can it provide a large amount of EXP and additional materials, but the value of extra Chromashells produced by AFK is high. It can even be called the "third monthly card."


Tips for shopping at the market

Recommended Market: Some cost-effective Chromashell gift packs and Buyout gift packs will appear here, and you can choose to purchase them based on your own resources;

Mystery Market: You can use Gold and Chromashells to purchase in-game items. Gold items are a must-buy, and Chromashell items can be purchased based on discounts and needs;

Chromashell Market: There are various daily necessities. It is recommended to give priority to purchasing items in the Recommended Market and Mystery Market before purchasing the required items in Chromashell Market;

Point Market: Prioritize the purchase of cost-effective rewards with "must buy" labels in Reputation Shop;

Tribe Shop: Prioritize the purchase of Stamina recoveries, and purchase Totem Crystal Stones and Refinement Stones as needed;

Treasure Shop: You can choose to accumulate Stardust for a long time to exchange for high-value legendary Primons, or you can choose to exchange Primon shards, Artifacts, Beast spirits of your choice and other items to quickly increase your power;

Island Shop: It is recommended to first purchase Artifacts you do not own to unlock them, and then purchase Artifact fragments you already own to star-up.